City to Trails

A city girl's journey to the trails of North Carolina

Hike 5: Mount Pisgah

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Hike five. Wow. It is hard to believe that I’ve done more hiking in the last 6 months than I have in the last 2 years. It’s also hard to believe that I used to look at hiking like a silly hobby of those who are bearded and smelly. Terrible, I know. The important thing is that my mind-set has changed completely.

Today, I hiked Mt. Pisgah, just of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I also hiked it alone! *Gasp* Well, I wasn’t technically alone. Ruthie, my trusty side-kick came with me, of course! If you asked me to describe this hike in one word I would say it was an ass-kicker. I am now well aware of how out of shape I really am.

Photo Apr 01, 11 51 54 AM

Photo Apr 01, 12 04 08 PM

Photo Apr 01, 12 16 28 PM

My trusty side-kick telling me that I must keep going 🙂


Rock Stairs

Rock Stairs

Mt. Pisgah is a really difficult hike. It is a relatively short hike (about 1.5 miles to the top), but it is up, up, up the whole way. There are not many spots where it levels off and you can catch your breath. I was so tired on the way up that I almost turned around and went back down the mountain. Thank goodness for Ruthie. I could tell she wanted to keep going, if it weren’t for her I would have seriously missed out.

Photo Apr 01, 12 38 42 PM

Photo Apr 01, 12 38 57 PM

Photo Apr 01, 12 40 51 PM

Photo Apr 01, 12 41 34 PM

So proud of myself that it totally deserved a selfie!


Once you make it to the top there is a HUGE television broadcasting tower that belongs to one of the local news stations, along with a wooden platform that gives you an amazing 360 degree view of the mountains. It is totally worth all the blood, sweat and tears. Okay, okay so that might be a bit dramatic, but there was a lot of sweat!

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